Evaluating Your Vein Problem

An evaluation is required to determine the severity of your vein problem and what type of treatment is best. Because vein problems could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, your expert is likely to perform a few tests to rule out any other issues. During the evaluation, several things will be assessed.

Medical History

Your medical history plays a key role in determining the severity and type of vein problem you have. Some questions you may be asked include, but are not limited to:

• Any family history regarding problem veins
• The symptoms you are suffering and how long they have been going on
• What you do for a job and your level of physical activity
• Previous treatments or surgeries for problem veins
• Any prescription or over-the-counter medication you may be taking
• If you are currently pregnant or were pregnant

Physical Examination

After your medical history is taken and examined, your expert will then do a physical exam. The exam’s extent is based on what was stated in the medical history and the type of problem veins you are suffering from. During this process, a scan or blood work may be ordered for better diagnosis.

Selecting a Treatment

There are numerous treatment options for problem veins, but what treatments are right for you will be based on what the vein expert uncovers during your assessment. You may qualify for a self-care treatment or a minimally invasive treatment. If the case is severe, you may require surgery or removal of the veins.

During your appointment, you will be given several options and your expert will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each based on your case.

Understanding the Scope and Limitations of these Treatments

It is important to know what to expect with these treatments and most importantly, what they can and cannot do for your vein problems. Some things to remember include that your treatment:

• May decrease or eliminate your symptoms
• May improve your appearance – especially if you suffer from spider or varicose veins
• May decrease the number of vein problems you suffer from in the future
• May not be able to completely stop vein problems from happening again
• May not clear up your varicose veins or spider veins 100%
• Will not make your legs perfect
• Will not cure any underlying conditions that led to your vein problem

Things to Remember if You’re Pregnant

If you are pregnant, you must realize that varicose veins are likely to develop or may get worse as your body goes through hormonal changes. A vein expert is unlikely to treat any varicose veins while you are pregnant because:

• Self-care can help relieve symptoms and cause little harm to the fetus
• Veins may disappear after pregnancy – therefore, you may not need any treatment
• Treatment, such as surgery, is never recommended for pregnant women

Are you pregnant? If so, you may be interested in self-care for your vein problem.

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