TVE Aesthetics

Laser Hair Removal

Revitalize Your Beauty, from Head to Toe

Laser Hair Removal is for women and men of all skin types and tones. The laser generates intense, long pulses of light through a handpiece. The light disables unwanted pigmented hair follicles, impairing their growth. When the light penetrates the skin, it selectively damages the root of the unwanted hair. Through a series of sessions, a long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs regrowing should be expected. The laser’s cool handpiece protects the skin and minimizes discomfort.

Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?
The best candidates are lighter-skinned people with darker hair. However, the laser may be used on darker-skinned people and tanned patients. People with blond or light red hair should expect to see less results than people with dark hair.

Is it permanent?
Treatment results vary among patients. The federal Food and Drug Administration has cleared use of the laser for permanent hair reduction. The FDA defines this as the long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs regrowing after a treatment regimen.

What does the procedure feel like?
The laser treatment may feel like a pinching or stinging sensation. It has a built-in cooling tip that protects the skin and minimizes discomfort.

How many treatments will you need?
It is important to understand the length of the process. Hair goes through three stages of development: growth, regression and resting. The laser targets hair only in the active-growth phase. Not all hairs actively grow at the same time; therefore, an average of six treatments is necessary to disable all hair follicles in a given area.

What should you expect?
Immediately after your treatment, your skin will be red and swollen. You may develop a small crust that will peel. After three to seven days, you will experience what seems to be regrowth of hair. This hair is being shed as a result of your treatment. Hair may get darker or thicker before it falls out. Expect to see a hair reduction of 15% to 20% after each treatment. Do not wax or pluck hair between treatments; only shaving is permissible.

Contact us today with your questions, for additional information or to schedule a consultation.

Revitalize Your Beauty, from Head to Toe

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